Home » Uncategorized » Social Networking sites are here to stay!

Micheal Arrington of TechCrunch has put up an informative post on Bear Stearns Internet analysis for Yahoo! Bear Strearns recommends that Yahoo should acquire a major social networking player, preferably Facebook.

The report has very impressive analysis on social networking industry, growth, advertising dollar opportunities, major players, and worth of these companies. It is estimated that by 2011 social networks will control 12% of online advertising.

For people who need just the gist, the report mainly concludes that:
1. Social Networking is growing and here to stay
2. Social Networks could become the new portals
3. Social Networks can be monetized
4. Large market opportunity

I believe that the next big thing in Internet and mainly in Social Networks is Mobile Opportunity! The report reconfirms this belief.

The analysis says that:
1. Mobile is the next leg of growth for social networking.
2. Examples of social networking sites that have begun to go mobile include Twitter.com and Bliin.com
3. Mobile Internet penetration is still low (17% of the current wireless subscribers also subscribe to mobile Internet services), allowing more room for growth
4. In 2006, the mobile advertising market estimated to be around $1.5 billion
5. There are currently 2.6 billion cell phone subscribers in the world and are expected to reach 3.8 billion in 2010

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