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The Ask Vishwas Show

Firstly, thank you for being here…

I started the Ask Vishwas show mainly to help those who are lost in their career and personal life and help them find the much-needed direction and motivation to set things right!

I have been overwhelmed with all the support and encouragement that you have shown me and I hope these videos will help you sort out most of your internal struggles. And always remember, it is okay to feel weak, what matters is how you overcome and fight your weakness! 

– Personal note by Vishwas Mudagal


The Ask Vishwas Show

The new power-packed series of the Ask Vishwas show is all set to put your worries related to career, business and personal life to rest! Just sit back, put on your headphones and listen!

Ask Vishwas Show

Episode- 1

I Hate My Job and want to Quit! (Part one of Episode – 1)

Do you feel like your experience is being undervalued at your workplace? Are you tired of dealing with an impatient boss who refuses to understand your state of mind? Relax…don’t jump ship yet! Watch this video where Vishwas Mudagal tells you how to approach these tough work life situations in a smart and intelligent way.

Being emotional is good, but don’t let it allow you to make reckless decisions!


Should I work for a Startup or an MNC? (Part two of Episode – 1)

The workforce is largely divided into two kinds of people – one who want job security and one who want to follow their passion and take risks! Which category do you fall under? If you are confused about which type of company you should work for, then in this video Vishwas Mudagal tells you how to choose the best company suitable for your work personality.

To watch the full video of Episode 1 of the Ask Vishwas show, then click below:


Don’t make this mistake when you Startup! (Part-1 of Episode-2)

When people startup, most times they are focused on raising funds rather than concentrating on the product and business model. This is where most Startups fail and in this episode, Vishwas Mudagal talks about how it is very crucial to build a business model that is self-sustaining. Once you do this, the funds automatically start flowing in.

How to master the art of multitasking with detachment (Part-2 of Episode-2)

In today’s fast-paced world, it is very easy to lose focus on the things that matter. Don’t clutter your mind with too many things. When your mind is set on one goal, immerse yourself into that one task – body, mind and soul and you will see that success is just a few meters away. In this video, Vishwas Mudagal tells you how to master the art of multitasking by being detached.

Episode – 3

You are Limitless! You can do anything

This world is brutal. At every point in life, people are going to tell you that you aren’t good enough and that you CAN NEVER achieve your dreams! Don’t listen to that voice – Fight! Believe in Yourself.

In the 3rd episode of the Ask Vishwas show, you will learn how you can unleash the power of your mind. You were born to do great things. Just believe!


Episode – 4

97% People FAIL because of this Myth!

Are you falling prey to the social dogmas and expectations around you? Don’t let societal pressure stop you or demotivate you from succeeding in your life. Watch this video to find out how you can change these mental stigmas and make life work for you!


Episode – 5

How George Clooney turned Idea into a $1 Billion Company

For 9 years, George Clooney didn’t know that a simple idea would one day become a $1 billion dollar company. Watch the 5th episode of #AskVishwas Show on several examples of how successful companies were started. Is there a set formula to come up with a winning idea for your startup? Or is it just accidental?


Episode – 6

Starting up with Friends? Be aware of these Consequences!

Starting your company with Friends or Family? Before you do, be aware of these consequences! Watch the 6th episode of the #AskVishwas show to know the do’s and dont’s of this tricky business!

Episode – 7

5 Steps to create a Winning Team

When you hire, what should look at? Skills or Attitude? Is fitment to culture really important? Watch the 7th episode of the Ask Vishwas show to find out how the 5 important criterias to look at inorder to create a winning team


Episode – 8

Log Kya Kahenge?

Before we take the first step towards our passion, we are clouded by judgemental views from society. Should you really be giving so much importance to those 4 people? Watch the 8th episode of the Ask Vishwas show and find out why you should care a damn and follow your dream!


Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of the Ask Vishwas show!



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