Home » Career Advice » Why You Shouldn’t Promise If You Cannot Commit? | Life Advice

Promising someone and not keeping up to it is a sign of bad character. Instead, never promise something that you cannot live up to. Promises go a long way in keeping your self-esteem and the way people look at you. In this post, Vishwas talks at length about his view and actions.


Keeping your promises in tough times defines who you are as a person.

For the last few years, our housemaid had been very dedicated to our family. She took care of us as if we were her own. She never really demanded anything from us, which is rare in today’s world. She was the sole bread earner for her family. Her husband was an alcoholic & had abandoned them long back.

We did our bit to support her. We decided to fund her son’s education. We sincerely felt he should study & one day uplift his family to a new level.

Last year, she developed an illness & passed away. It was a shocker for us all! We had lost a dear family member. It was worse for her son. He became an orphan at the age of 10.

She is gone, but the promise we made to her is not. We stuck to our word, ensuring he continues his education & settled with his aunt. We will fund him till the time he graduates.

It’s easy to make a promise. Tough to follow through. I have seen many taking shortcuts by making false promises & let you down the minute you need them to keep it. Ask yourself why am I committing? Is it realistic? Are you willing you break their trust if you can’t keep it? If no, then don’t promise.

Be a person everyone can count on in their difficult times, not only in good times.


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